Our revered Master says that devout
reading of Sri Sai Baba’s life will bestow the grace of Lord Dattatreya on
society. The great saints from all over the world would come on their own
accord to bless us and this is the only means to rejuvenate our society. The
above said words of the Master are absolutely true. His life stands testimony
to it.
Master was at Vidyanagar, the saint of Golagamudi-Avadhuta Venkaih Swamy,
and when at Ongole, the saint of kurnool-Avadhuta Sri Rami Reddy Tata, a
recluse woman saint of kanykumari-Avadhuta Mayi Amma - all came on their own
accord without any special invitation extended by Master. Master often
said that Sri Sai’s grace would surely be with us if we perform parayana,
mediation, and service to Sai regularly in full faith. “If
you stand by truth I shall always be beside you and ever protect you, there is
no scope for worry once you hand over the reins to the Sadguru, Sit Quiet. I
shall do all that is essential for you” said Sri Sai. All these
when done regularly with faith and patience, Lord Datta would himself in the
form of various great saints would come on their own and bless us. This was
firmly believed and put into practice by Pujya Sri Master. The visit of
various saints to Masterji’s house is ample evidence to it and through him we
all had the good fortune of being blessed by these Great
Likewise, Sri Masterji acquired burning ember as a mark of blessing from
the sacred Dhuni at Shirdi which was lit by Sri Sai Himself. Sri Master
asked none but only Sri Sai for it. In a similar fashion, a miraculous incident
was witnessed two days before Masterji left his earthly body. For the first
time in history, Lord Dattatreya’s fourth incarnation Sri Akkalkot Swami’s
“holy padukas” -sandals (worn by Swami himself during his life time) entered
Andhra Pradesh without any effort from Pujya Acharyaji.
day was 10th April 1989.Masterji was getting the manuscript of Sri Sai
Leelamrutham’s 7th edition ready for print. Around 1.30 pm, Cholappa’s (an
intimate devotee who served Sri Swamy Samarth of Akkalkot while in his physical
form) great grandson stepped into Master’s house with the holy padukas of Sri
Swami. The holy padukas are approximately 130 years old. Padukas are given
utmost significance in Datta tradition. It symbolizes the spiritual path tread
by all the Great Saints.
While explaining the significance of the Datta Padukas,Sri
Masterji once said, “The padukas which always rests on the ground
represents that Lord Datta is ever available on this Earth in all yugas
(epochs).The Guru (Master) and Trimurtis (trinity) are the form of Para
Brahma-The Brahman and that Brahman’s feet in the Bhooloka (Earth) as told
by Vedas (Holy Scriptures).It also says that
this entire universe with all its elements constitute the feet of God only. “All
that you see constitutes me” The entire universe is within me” said
Sri Sai .Swami Samarth of Akkalkot said “ I am the whole universe ‘Origin -the
Origin of Origins -Datta Nagar” That is to say these holy
padukas are equivalent to his physical presence. It can be inferred that Sri
Akkalkot Swami himself in the form of holy padukas came over to Ongole to
personally bless our Master. On reading Sri Akkalkot Swami’s life one can get
to know that Sri Swami’s whenever bestowed his special blessings on his
devotees, gifted them his holy padukas. This can be seen all through the Datta
Sri Narasimha Saraswathi Swami
(the second incarnation of Lord Dattatreya) performed penance for 12 long years
at the holy confluence of Pancha Ganga (five rivers). While leaving for
Gangapur, pointing to the padukas there to a devotee by name Bhatt, Sri Swami
said, “Though I appear to be physically away from here, in reality,
shall always remain here in the form of these padukas”. While
leaving for Srisailam, for his final departure, Sri Swami left his padukas at
Gangapur and reiterated the same to his devotees there. He himself after a long
time reappeared at Akkalkot as Sri Swami Samarth.That is why Sri Swamy of
Akkalkot said that “I have come from Srisailam, and my
name is Narasimhabhan”. This Swami and Sri Sai gave ample
experiences to their respective devotees that they are no different from each
other. Lord Sri Dattatreya simultaneously incarnated in these two forms is a
novel thing in the very history itself. Hence in the form of padukas ,Lord
Dattatreya himself , i.e. Sri Narasimha Saraswathi i.e. Sri Sai
personally came over to Ongole that day.Pujya Sri Master in his course of
talk said , “To those who have taken refuge at these holy padukas ,their
world full of misery would get transformed into a joyous one.”
our lives and in the history of our state of Andhra
Pradesh, our Master who is the principle person behind such a
significant and unmemorable event appears as a personification of perfection to
some, while to others, he appears to be full of faults. Of course, this is the
way of the world. To the question as to what Sri Sai found in him, the arrival
of Sri Akkalkot Swami’s padukas is the answer. In this civilized society,
people with etiquettes can decide for themselves as to what our Master is and
reform accordingly and those who lack this none can save them!!!
On October 13th, 1982, at Rajahmundry, Sri Masterji for the first time
blessed me with His darshan owing to the merits of my previous births. I was
drawn towards Him at the very first darshan and an intense feeling developed in
me to constantly stay in His company. After a few days, leaving everything I
went to stay with him .I had the good fortune of being intimate with him and
got the opportunity of serving him. It would be more apt to say that I too
became an instrument in the Sai Dharma Prachara Yagana(propagation of the Sri Sai Philosophy) carried on by Pujya Sri
Master rather than to say that I served him. Not only that with my limited
knowledge I critically analyzed him from different angles. I also had the rare
opportunity of questioning him and my queries were answered by Sri Master
wherever needed.
is my firm belief that today’s society bitten by the serpent called Kaliyuga
has been rendered life less and spiritually dead. To spiritually rejuvenate
such society, the Lord of Yoga-Sri Dattatreya himself has descended on to this
earth in the form of Pujya Sri Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja”
if to prove this, after Mahasamadhi of Sri Master, on 30th 1989 (the
birthday of Sri Master) Chi. Vedavathi, beloved daughter of Sri Masterji
had a divine dream which is as follows:
In the early hours of 30th October,
Sri Master as usual got up from his sleep and was sitting on his cot. He asked
Chi.Vedavathi to get some coffee and Master drank it. She found that there were
many cottages around. It appeared like a hermitage. The cottages and the
surroundings were decorated with rangolis.
Various flower plants were spread out all through the hermitage. A cow and a calf were seen at every
cottage. Stags, deers, and tigers were found to be moving about harmoniously.
Chi .Vedavathi felt that the hermitage belonged to the Saptharshis (Seven Great
Sages). In the meantime, sages like Vasistha were making preparations for the
holy bath of Sri Master. They made him sit on a silver stool. Even
Vedavathi participated with the sages like Valmiki in giving holy bath to the Master.
After the bath’s Master was dressed in silk dress and seated on a throne. Pujya
Sri Masterji was shining with divine radiance. The Maharshis worshipped
Masterji in 16 ways (Shodasopachara puja).At the end of the puja, the sages
bowed to his Holy feet and Sri Masterji blessed them all. And then a spiritual
discussion ensued between Sri Masterji and the sages in Sanskrit. Chi.Vedavathi
was looking around the hermitage. She saw the
children of the sages like Arundhathi etc.; they all were looking beautiful and
bright. Then Vedamma was saying to herself, “this place and the people over
here seem to possess some divine charm. The place appears to be quite
peaceful and can I at any time live in such a place. How nice it would be to
live like this.” She saw a beautiful lake. Sweet scent was emanating from the
numerous blooming flowers. The surrounding area was filled with that aroma. Pujya
Sri Masterji came over there. On seeing him, Vedavathi asked Him “Father, what
are these flowers called? These are called Saugandhika Flowers. Could you not
recognize it by their very smell? Are they not beautiful?” said Sri Master.
“Shall we walk along this way for sometime, dear” Masterji asked her. Both
Masterji and Vedavathi were walking conversing on various topics…….. The dream
ended with someone waking her up as the day broke.
The holy scriptures say that Lord Dattatreya is worshipped daily by the
Saptharshis (Seven Great Sages) Maharshis, and Gods.
It is no exaggeration to say that Parama Pujya Sri Acharya Ekkirala
Bharadwaja is well known to
every Sai devotee. Acharya Sri
Ekkirala Bharadwaja, lovingly called by his disciples and
followers as "Sai Master", is one of the greatest
scholars and philosophers of the modern times.
Parama Pujya Acharya Sri Ekkirala
Bharadwaja was born on 30 October 1938 in Bapatla to Sri Ekkirala
Ananthacharya and Smt. Buchhamma. He was the fourth son of Sri E.
Ananthacharya, who is a great scholar and wrote several books. Sri Master lost
his mother in early childhood. Sri
Ananthacharya became both mother and father of the kids and brought up all the
four kids with good discipline. He taught them yoga, Sanskrit, ayurveda
etc. Acharya completed his
primary education at home under his father’s guidance. Right from childhood he
had tremendous will power and good presence of mind. He completed his higher
education in Guntur and Visakhapatnam. He was a postgraduate in ENGLISH
During the initiation ceremony of Sri
Master (akin to the Christian baptism) his nephew passed away. That initial heartbreak had left and,
in its wake, several fundamental questions arose in him. After a decade of
intellectual quest for truth, he was converted by a profound spiritual
experience in the very first visit to Shirdi in 1963 by the grace of Sri Shirdi
Saibaba. He started intense search about the life history and teachings of Sri
Sai Baba. He left I.A.S (Indian Administrative services), which is a highly
respected position in the society to spread Sri Sai teachings. He gathered more
and more information about Sri Sai’s life and teachings from all potential
He started his job as English lecturer
in Vidya Nagar Nellore after a one-year stay in Jillellamudi Ashram. When he
was in Nellore he completed his work on Sri Sai’s life and teachings - “SRI SAI LEELAMRUTHAM”
(Nectar of Sri Sai’s life and Teachings) which is the initial step in the
spread of SAI tatvam. He got married to Smt. Alivleu Mangam garu after receiving
the messages from great saints Sri Pakala pati Guruvu garu, Sri Chirala Swamy,
and Sri Sai Baba.
After “SRI SAI LEELAMRUTHAM ”got published he traveled
extensively to spread Sai Baba teachings and Sai tatvam .He also started
Satsangam (devotional or spiritual gathering) and Bhajans. Wherever Sri Master
did Satsangams SRI SAI BABA Temples would arise in an amazing manner, as a sign
of Sri Sai’s grace. Baba gave experiences to devotees explaining that the
entire universe in him and he exists in all saints, all gods, all creatures and
everything we see.
There is
none to match Sri Master in explaining about all the pervading spirit
manifested as Sri Sai on this Earth.Pujya
Master always say that we should always remember that we belong to the Supreme
Sadguru’s royal court.
Acharya did not approve for the
display of the cheap occult powers. Such things would give rise to the desire
for miracles and halt one’s spiritual growth and hence will end up in the
vicious circle of birth and rebirth instead of getting liberated. However
depending on the individual’s spiritual growth miracles do occur in the
presence of great saints. Different religious traditions are the result of
viewing the same thing from different angles by the mystical saints in that
sublime state of meditation and that all religions lead to reach the GOD.
Hence, Pujya Acharya said in ‘Sri
Sai Leelamrutham’ that it is foolishness to change one’s religion. Thus Sri
Master is spreading religious harmony and universal brother hood all over the
Master said that it is absurd to say
that spirituality cannot stand the onslaught of modern scientific knowledge; he
explained spirituality in our ancient scriptures with the help of modern
science. He reformed all those who came into his contact by awakening in them
the nature to view Sri Sai in all living beings, encouraged them to strive for
spiritual growth by bringing out the latent talents. He spoke in length about
the Atheism vs. Theism forums in Ongole about the existence of GOD in line with
modern science. His works “Vignana Veechikalu “ (Waves of Scientific Knowledge)
analyses different branches of Science and proves the existence of God through
He stressed the importance of seeking
the guidance of Sadguru for spiritual growth, which can be achieved through
regular studying of the life histories of great saints. He emphasized the
importance of doing parayana of ‘Sri Sai Leelamrutham’ is more useful than the immediate
presence of a Saint. The discipline of constantly studying the biographies of
great saints keeps before the seeker’s mind only the state of realization of
saint, which would mature his spiritual progress.
Devout reading of ‘Sri Sai Leelamrutham’ draws people into territory of Sri Sai
and shall be blessed with marvelous experiences. In order to lead a righteous
life by Sri Sai’s grace, Sri Master wrote the book “SRI SAI PRABHODHAMRUTHAM ”in TELUGU
bringing out the essence of Sri Sai’s teachings from different perspectives of
Sri Sai’s life.
Sri Master translated Sri Guru
Charithra from Sanskrit into Telugu. This is the life history of the incarnations of Lord
Dattatreya –Sri PadaVallabha and Sri Nrisimha Saraswathi. Sri Sai made
Kusabhavu to do 108 parayanas of Sri Guru Charithra. By wide spread study of
Sri Guru Charithra and Sri Sai
Leelamrutham, large number of responsive souls would be able to draw richly
upon the grace of the perfect master. The
devotional study of life and teachings of Perfect Guru of the past awakens the
inner potential of the seeker and at the proper stage he is sure to be guided
in a dream or vision to the living perfect Master who is most suited to his
inner needs.
Sri Sai master devoted himself to a
lifetime of intensive research into the lives and teachings of several saints,
traveling extensively and personally contacting many of them. His work resulted
in various books on these saints life histories and teachings. He also wrote
about the biographies of great saints like Sri Akkalkota Swamy, Milarepa- the
Yogi of Tibet, Hazrat Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur.
Spiritual Stalwarts of our time like
Sri Rakhaadi Baba, Saint of Chintapalli forests, Sri Pakala Paati Guruvu Garu,
Sri Cuddapah Swamy, Sri Poondi Swamy, Sri Gulab Baba of katel, Holy Mother of
Chivatam, Ananda mayi Mata of North India, Bhagvaan Venkaih Swamy of
Golagamudi, Smaratha Narayana Maharaj of Harihar, Sri Ranganna Babu of Guntur,
Sri Purnananda Swamy of Srisailam, Sri Rami Reddy tata of Kurnool, Swamy of
Kalahasti have all honored our revered Master by considering SRI MASTER as one among them.
Towards this end in view he founded
the Shirdi Sai Cultural Mission at Vidyanagar and Sai Baba Mission in Ongole.
He also founded a Telugu Magazine Sai
Baba (now monthly), which continues to spread his message, and was the main
source of inspiration in the construction of several Sai Baba temples. After a
life of incessant activity spreading the teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi,
he attained Maha Samadhi on
12th April 1989. Though he has left his mortal frame, even now he
responds to the call of his devotees.
It is now nearly twenty five years since our beloved Pujya Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja Master attained Mahasamadhi (April 12th, 1989); years in which we have often felt his absence in flesh and blood and yet have been immensely assured, of his response whenever called to, of his sure but remote guidance of our lives. Devotees acquainted with Pujya Acharyaji during his lifetime or through his books would know the story of Pujya Acharyaji’s spiritual quest for truth.
Q: Sri Sai said that “Complete surrender to
Guru with faith is enough.” What should we do if the faith starts to fade away
on the Guru whom we trusted completely?
A.The real faith is two types. It is hard
for the faith to fade away on a Guru who just like Sai demonstrates his
Omniscience and Omnipresence .Sri Ramana Maharshi describes a devotee who
surrenders to such Guru just as a prey that has fallen into the tiger’s jaw. It
is difficult to obtain such Guru’s presence .Their flawless life will not give
rise to any hesitations. Even then, we see devotees get upset because of their
ignorance that their desires are not fulfilled .So they will leave the Guru. It
means is that instead of having faith,
we have desire on the Guru .Guru would have partiality and be an unrighteous
person- if all our desires are fulfilled
without following the results of righteous and unrighteous deeds from our
previous births.To show equal love on all living creatures is the back bone of
the righteous nature. This righteousness is the example of their Knowledge. It
is justice, when the Righteous Adjudicator (Dharma Nirnetha) bounds to certain rules
and show their mercy on the creatures.
The real devotion or faith depends on the
correct understanding. Children love their parents only because all their
desires are fulfilled by them.This is only selfishness but not true love.As
their thinking develops, they will understand the real purpose of discipline
implemented by the parents. Even though it is painful temporarily, they will
realize the effort put by the parents for their welfare and accept this discipline
happily.This love comprises of Patience
and Faith.Such love comprised of understanding and patience is called Devotion or Faith.
This is similar to the bitter medicine given by the Doctor. As we are ignorant,
we trust that the medicine given by the Doctor is for our own good. Whether the
medicine is sweet or bitter, we should be thankful and take it as it will be
beneficial for us. In a similar way we don’t know the deeds of our previous births,
or about our spiritual welfare. As Sri Sai knows about everything, we should
always think he will do anything for our welfare only.We should never ask him
to fulfill only the things we like.
As we take bath daily to clean the dirt from our body, we should clean
the dirt called ignorance from our mind by constant repeating of the teachings
.This is the most important principle. People forget this principle and bewail
that their devotion did not strengthen.

there is dharma glaani , (decay of dharma) , it became essential for
incarnation of God to fulfill his promise -
To protect the virtuous
people like us and to punish the wicked.” In Rama
temples , through out the country, when we hear the story and songs of RAMAYANA
, our hearts are filled with the turbulence of gratitude . Lord
Rama and Sage valmiki desired that we should learn Dharma from his story,
and earn salvation. When we implement that , the Rama navami
festival we are celebrating gives happiness to Lord Rama (who is the
embodiment of dharma) and Sage valmiki.
It is dharma of the king to protect and encourage the
sages who do penance, perform yagnam, train the disciples for the welfare of the
world. But king Dasaradha, because of affection on Rama
refused to send him along with Viswamitra to protect
the yagnam. This affection on his son masked his faith on Bhramarshi
Viswamitra, who could protect Lord Rama. Finally ,He followed Vasistha’s
instruction and sent Rama with Viswamithra. Rama observed that it
is our responsibility to follow the instructions of GURU.
the last sentence , we are familiar with
the rest of the sentences. Daily we offer prayers to LORD RAMA, SAI saying that
– “you are my mother, you are father, you are everything.” We chant slokas
which mean that we offer our organs, mind, money, body, senses, our relatives
for his service. When we read that Rama sacrificed the pleasures and went
to jungle to protect the yagnam, Dasaradha sent him following the instructions
of his Guru, or Prahlad worshiped lord Vishnu ignoring rest of his
relatives – we get excited and shed tears of joy.
But when it comes to implementation? We hate Hiranyakasipudu
who refused his son worshiping Lord Vishnu , but we are not ready to let our
kids do the service of Lord ,at least during their idle time.We read
sacred texts sitting in the sofa , and desire to become Mahatamas like them .We
pester God for not fulfilling our material and spiritual desires .We expect God
to guard our family like a peon during communal riots, natural calamities. When
we or our relatives have to cooperate in his service, we think that there
are so many others for that purpose.
Sai served his Guru for 12 years. He did penance in
bhugruham(cellar) eating only neem leaves. In Shirdi for 60 years he blessed
all the devotees everyday from 5 Am to 10 PM .Even during night times
with out sleeping he guarded the devotees.
How about all of us? Even after MahaSamadhi – we don’t give him rest for one
second.Our son got fever; I didn’t get promotion at work ; our son is not
obedient; there is lot of stress at work; -- This
is how we pester SAI with out even letting him sleep just like a
whitlow(infection on the tip of the finger). Of course, we are offering him
coconut , light agarbhatti. LORD RAMA or Sri Sai are bearing us with their
patience ,so we are worshiping them.
At least during the free time, if we try to do his service or learn to
cooperate with people who serve him, then the incarnations of RAMA and Sai have
become a lot meaningful. Then the coming Srirama navami will be
more effective. There is definitely strength in the arrow of RAMA.
Sai Baba The Master is a newsletter started with the divine blessings of Divya janani Alivelumangatayaru garu . This newsletter is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form. The contents of the email are taken from the literature of Parama Pujya Acharya Sri EKKIRALA BHARADWAJA. This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of you have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative. To Subscribe "Saibaba The Master newsletter"- send an email to srisaimaster@yahoo.com. If you are subscribing the newsletter for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the newsletter and the willingness to receive the newsletter be confirmed. Please send a reply to srisaimaster@YAHOO.COM with sub:Remove if you don't want to get this email. |
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