SRI SAI BABA.

                             BHAGAVAN SRI BHARADWAJA


Lord Vishnu, one among the Divine Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara) incarnated on this earth 21 times for establishing Dharma (Righteousness).His Sixth incarnation is Lord Dattatreya, the 18th and 19th being Lord Sri Rama, and Sri Krishna. Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya longing for a son constantly meditated upon the Holy Trinity. Pleased with their penance, the Trinity appeared before them and assured them that they themselves will be born as their son and would make the mankind their oneness. For this noble mission, Anasuya Devi was chosen who proved her spiritual eminence on many occasions through her intense and unrivalled devotion towards her husband. On one occasion, to save a devotee's life who sought refugee under her, and to protect him from the curse of another sage, Anasuya Devi stopped the very sunrise for ten consecutive days. On another occasion sage Narada challenged the consorts of the Holy Trinity to boil the grams of iron. While the consorts of the Holy trinity failed to boil, Anasuya Devi succeeded in doing it. This made them jealous of Anasuya and asked their husbands to put Anasuya to a rigorous test. Accordingly, the Trinity in disguise of guests ,headed to the sage Atri's hermitage and asked Anasuya to offer Bhiksha (holy alms) to them in Nirvana state (naked form). With the mere sprinkling of water by Anasuya the Trio were transformed into infants. Then she offered them food in the Nirvana state as desired by them. This shocked the Consorts of the Holy Trio and they requested to grant the original forms to their husbands. The pious Anasuya once again sprinkled water on them and the Trio came back to their original forms. Overwhelmed with Anasuya Devi's Pativratyamahima (undaunted devotion towards her husband), the holy Trio chose her womb for their birth. Pleased with the state of infancy that Mother Anasuya bestowed on the Trio, they desired to continue the same bond with her .Keeping with this Lord Dattatreya –the incarnation of the Trinity eternally remained on the Earth manifesting in the form of Avadhutha (A liberated sage who has completely shaken of the ignorant identification with this body) eternally became the Sadguru (the Master) for the entire mankind. Lord Datta. Through his living he taught mankind that one should live like an infant sans pride of wealth, knowledge and power. His way of living also, teaches us that differences of Siva-kesava, Duality –Non Duality should be shed and live like children of God. This way Lord Dattatreya is ever preaching us that the Almighty God is one, religious differences are False, and that the Sadguru is the manifestation of the One God. As a matter of fact, the Holy Trinity and their Consorts are also the various forms of the same Almighty. How can they then be jealous of the very living beings created by them? This entire incident is to make the mankind realize the greatness of Sage Atri's penance and Anasuya Devi's undaunted love, devotion and service towards her husband. The entire story symbolizes that one's noble way of living, penance and cherished desire for the welfare of the entire universe will make the Almighty Lord to offer Himself to them. The very purpose of the incarnation of Lord Datta is to inspire the entire mankind towards such noble living and to uplift them. It is indeed a great blessing that Lord Datta is eternally available on the Earth to the mankind unlike other Avataras (incarnations) like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna. A Human birth which is rare privilege as proclaimed by our sages since times immemorial; devotion towards God; knowing the secret behind Datta's incarnation; faith towards him; the holy books of 'Sri Guru Charitra' and 'Sri Sai Baba jeevitha Charitram' which bestows the darshan and blessings of Sadguru-on acquiring all these, it is our bounden duty to make our lives worth living. To realize all the above and lead our lives accordingly is the real celebration of Datta Jayanthi—The Birth of Lord Dattatreya. 
    Lord Vishnu, one among the Divine Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara) incarnated on this earth 21 times for establishing Dharma (Righteousness).His Sixth incarnation is Lord Dattatreya, the 18th and 19th being Lord Sri Rama, and Sri Krishna. Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya longing for a son constantly meditated upon the Holy Trinity. Pleased with their penance, the Trinity appeared before them and assured them that they themselves will be born as their son and would make the mankind their oneness. For this noble mission, Anasuya Devi was chosen who proved her spiritual eminence on many occasions through her intense and unrivaled devotion towards her husband. On one occasion, to save a devotee's life who sought refugee under her, and to protect him from the curse of another sage, Anasuya Devi stopped the very sunrise for ten consecutive days. On another occasion sage Narada challenged the consorts of the Holy Trinity to boil the grams of iron. While the consorts of the Holy trinity failed to boil, Anasuya Devi succeeded in doing it. This made them jealous of Anasuya and asked their husbands to put Anasuya to a rigorous test. Accordingly, the Trinity in disguise of guests ,headed to the sage Atri's hermitage and asked Anasuya to offer Bhiksha (holy alms) to them in Nirvana state (naked form). With the mere sprinkling of water by Anasuya the Trio were transformed into infants. Then she offered them food in the Nirvana state as desired by them. This shocked the Consorts of the Holy Trio and they requested to grant the original forms to their husbands. The pious Anasuya once again sprinkled water on them and the Trio came back to their original forms. Overwhelmed with Anasuya Devi's Pativratyamahima (undaunted devotion towards her husband), the holy Trio chose her womb for their birth. Pleased with the state of infancy that Mother Anasuya bestowed on the Trio, they desired to continue the same bond with her .Keeping with this Lord Dattatreya –the incarnation of the Trinity eternally remained on the Earth manifesting in the form of Avadhutha (A liberated sage who has completely shaken of the ignorant identification with this body) eternally became the Sadguru (the Master) for the entire mankind. Lord Datta. Through his living he taught mankind that one should live like an infant sans pride of wealth, knowledge and power. His way of living also, teaches us that differences of Siva-kesava, Duality –Non Duality should be shed and live like children of God. This way Lord Dattatreya is ever preaching us that the Almighty God is one, religious differences are False, and that the Sadguru is the manifestation of the One God. As a matter of fact, the Holy Trinity and their Consorts are also the various forms of the same Almighty. How can they then be jealous of the very living beings created by them? This entire incident is to make the mankind realize the greatness of Sage Atri's penance and Anasuya Devi's undaunted love, devotion and service towards her husband. The entire story symbolizes that one's noble way of living, penance and cherished desire for the welfare of the entire universe will make the Almighty Lord to offer Himself to them.The very purpose of the incarnation of Lord Datta is to inspire the entire mankind towards such noble living and to uplift them. It is indeed a great blessing that Lord Datta is eternally available on the Earth to the mankind unlike other Avataras (incarnations) like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna. A Human birth which is rare privilege as proclaimed by our sages since times immemorial; devotion towards God; knowing the secret behind Datta's incarnation; faith towards him; the holy books of 'Sri Guru Charitra' and 'Sri Sai Baba jeevitha Charitram' which bestows the darshan and blessings of Sadguru-on acquiring all these, it is our bounden duty to make our lives worth living. To realize all the above and lead our lives accordingly is the real celebration of Datta Jayanthi—The Birth of Lord Dattatreya.



 God ,the supreme spirit is non dual, nameless, form less ,determined to manifest himself into this  infinite universe. The Divine creative power that projected the many forms is Brahma;Lord Vishnu is the power of preservation; Lord  Shiva is the annihilator and all the three belong to one Universal Consciousness or Spirit – “the Brahmam.” The trinity function together and everything in this nature is the product ,the manifestation of all forces in the nature. For instance there is energy that forms waves in water, there is another form of energy that   stops these waves. These two different forms of energy act on the same water to form the waves and also to stop them. In a similar way,  just like water present in waves -- the Universal Spirit is present everywhere in the UNIVERSE.
     Even there will be disorderliness in the functioning of the UNIVERSE- which is manifestation of the cumulative action of the power of trinity. That means there will be resistance for the expansion of this creation. In that case there will be a counter action which is also formed from the Universal Spirit to rectify this disruption.
Sages has described this disorderliness as (DHARMAGLAANI ) the decline of dharma. and the process to correct it results in the incarnation of Lord. There is a good example  for this – sometimes the food that we eat might obstruct the wind pipe and causes threat to life .Then another form living force in the body makes the person to drink water. Or if the food particle causes choking ,it is pushed out of the body by another force to  save the life. In a similar way the obstacles for the collective functioning of the creation cause (Dharmaglaani) the decline of Dharma  and the preventive , protective forces to restore the dharma are the  incarnations of the God  which will  end after the purpose is fulfilled just like Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Rama, and Krishna incarnations.
     In human body the respiration, heart function should continue every second till the body is alive. The proper functioning of these systems is more important than intake of food and water. As a matter of fact, it is possible for the intake of food and water properly only if these systems function normally. The vital force that performs the respiratory and heart functions is the primary and the capacity to take food and water are only like assistants to this primary force. Similarly, entire universe is God’s existence in many forms (viswaroopam), and for this entire spacious   universe to continue incessantly, another  divine force is essential not only to restore the declining dharma (dharma glaani)  but also for its proper management. There is a primary objective for this preservative power. All living beings struggle to exist. Several  new experiences in  life increases the cheerfulness in life and  helps in achievement of knowledge. By doing so it learns to live a better life with more happiness and comforts. In human history it is proclaimed that this will lead to desire for knowledge about dharma and helps in leading life in  righteous path.
   This desire for knowledge will be completed only after SELF-REALZATION  (Atma jnaanam).The fear for death will not leave unless the truth is realized - Everything is God’s own and nothing  including the mind and body is ours ; “I” no longer exist and  the truth is that ‘intellect’ is devoid of birth and death . Until that realization, true happiness is not obtained .
    The living forces that appear in the human body for the intake of the Food and water will disappear after that function is over. Similarly, in this creation  the incarnations of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna came on to this earth and left after the purpose of their incarnation is completed. On the other hand there is another divine force that continues to function on this universe for implementing dharma, instigating all the living creatures to attain self realization and helps them to understand the purpose of life. In ancient holy texts (puraanam) it is stated that this divine force is “LORD DATTATREYA” who lives on this earth forever .Lord Dattatreya helps the people to implement and lead righteous path, encourages  the seekers in understanding the truth.
The same is narrated in BHAGAVATHAM as follows “ God appears only to great saints who possess great power from their meditation ,austerity. It is impossible for everyone to achieve the same power from austerity. AS God is merciful upon all the creatures,he appears  on this earth in the form of HOLY PERSONS (MAHANEEYULU). The divine entity (BHAGAVATATWAM) in all   these MAHATMAS is LORD DATTATREYA. So Bhagavatham praises him as YOGANAATHUDU. ”
      In conclusion, for all   the human beings to live a happy and prosperous life ,to lead a righteous path in life, and ultimately realize the purpose of life ,they should seek  the protection of LORD DATTATREYA. LORD DATTATREYA  IS ALWAYS PRESENT ON THIS EARTH IN THE FORM OF HOLY PERSONS (MAHANEEYULU).       


The mind and vital energy are interlinked. A spiritual aspirant when retains this conception of non-duality, his instincts get gradually subdued and his consciousness assumes the form that one and the same energy permeates everywhere. This is what is called "Brahma Tadaakara Vritti" (knowledge of the union of soul and the supreme soul). When this knowledge gets stabilized, the feeling that the spirit is confined to earthly body alone vanishes. This is 'Jeevan-Mukthi'- attainment of realization while in earthly body. This is what Christ proclaimed as " Kingdom of Heaven on Earth". He also said that this is with in the reach of everybody i.e."The Kingdom of Heaven  is at Hand".Inspite of such a noble state being within one's reach, one who realizes that he is entangled in the quagmire of vices out of ignorance ,cannot stop from regretting over his ignorance. Christians call this remorse as "Repentance". The intensity differs according to the level of maturity of individuals who have witnessed the greatness of highly evolved souls who conquered such ignorance like Shirdi Sai baba, Jesus Christ . One who grieves with such repentance shall not rest until he attains Liberation. Christ therefore said "Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:3)." Those who repent in this manner lie low with humility. When this feeling intensifies, it is transformed into repentance .That is why Lord Jesus said "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven " (Matthew 5:3).  
      Such men are possessed with the burning desire to attain perfection through Sadhana, just as hungry man craves for food. All the great saints have unanimously declared that the persons who have attained such a state shall certainly attain liberation.The same has been said by the Christ as "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst  after righteousness: for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6).The scriptures on Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam say that when the degree of wisdom and non attachment are at their zenith, the desire to reach God intensifies and those who scale such heights attain realization. The Buddhists instead of using the word 'God' have called the same as 'Poorna Gnana'(Complete knowledge).The concepts of 'Buddhatva' and 'Nirvana' of Buddhism coincide with the teachings of Sri Rama Krishna  Parama Hamsa and other saints as well. One who has reached such a state is well aware of his extreme repentance over his hitherto ignorant state; hence is compassionate and merciful towards his fellow beings that are deeply entangled in such ignorance.This state signifies his proximity to Godly experience. That is why Lord Jesus said "Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7).Bhagavad-Gita reiterates the same when it says "Sarva Bhootha Hithe Rataah" meaning those "who nurture an intense desire for welfare of all living beings."
      In this regards, Buddhist scriptures tell us about Bodhisatva who with his compassion decides not to attain Paranirvana (Liberation) until he helps all the living beings in attaining it. In such a state the Sadhaka's burning desire for liberation purifies his heart completely. This is what Jesus Christ refers to as "Blessed are pure in heart ; for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8).It has become natural to such matured souls to establish peace among their fellow beings and encourage them to tread the path of righteousness. These are the words of Jesus "Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called the sons of God " (Matthew 5:9).
     It is for this reason that great saints like Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa.Sri Sai Baba, Kabir and Guru Nanak tried to abolish  race, caste, religious hatred and made an effort to  establish harmony.   


Q:How can we obtain salvation - Is it by worshipping Sri Sai or  by implementing his teachings? 
A :This question arises if  we worship Sri Sai  like worshipping Poleramma ,with out knowing the actual meaning of  Pooja .In any type of individual ,Love  develops after reading Sri Sai Baba's life History. One way to express this love is by worshipping Him; the other way is implementing His teachings.This is like for a female lover the words of  male lover appearing like stars with everlasting radiance.   But this love should be experienced individually after doing the parayana. It cannot be discussed or explained. Our inner-self is the witness of our love towards Sri Sai; our Faith towards Him;and the extent to which we are implementing His principles. It is not possible for anyone to understand the maturity, the circumstances of other individuals. Only the Omnipresent –Sri Sai can understand. That is the reason why in Bible it says that Jesus helped an adulterer.Sri Sai restrained a devotee, who was telling others only to come to Darshan with out any desires. Sri Sai, Jesus did not agree with the idea of forgetting this principle and pointing out faults with others,as there are differences in the levels of maturity. Never encourage anyone to go beyond his or her individual level of maturity. It is similar to picking an unripe fruit. In addition to this, every person out of emotion will try to go beyond the limit of the maturity ,and due to their arrogance get transformed into a Guru. This is detrimental to the society and results deviation from Sri Sai's path.The more love one develops towards Sri Sai, the greater interest they develop in His Life History, Teachings.There will be novelty in the daily Parayana. Otherwise, it becomes mechanical, and the thought "what is the use of daily Parayana? " develops. How could an  aversion that doesn't come on a lover, develop on Him?  One can explain, encourage, suggest directions with love to each other. There is nothing wrong to offer prayers to Sri Sai on their behalf. After that we should leave them to their own effort. He is there to mould them into the right path. That is the assurance we get from HIM. 




Sai Baba The Master is a newsletter started with the divine blessings of Divya janani Alivelumangatayaru garu . This newsletter is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form. The contents of the email are taken from the literature of Parama Pujya Acharya Sri EKKIRALA BHARADWAJA. This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of you have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative. To Subscribe "Saibaba The Master newsletter"- send an email to or If you are subscribing the newsletter for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the newsletter and the willingness to receive the newsletter be confirmed. Please send a reply to or with sub:Remove if you don't want to get this email.


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