The real intention behind Baba’s order to Pujya Sri Master to dedicate to Gruhasthu life (householder life) is only for the welfare of World.
Sri Master has a desire to obtain self realization through penance. He did not want himself to be revealed to this world, instead he wanted to go to Himalayas. He trained his body and mind for the same reason. For instance, when he lived in Vidyanagar, he did not have any costly amenities in the house. He used to spend his salary - by helping poor students, on travel for darshan of Mahatmas, on the Spiritual books and very little for his daily needs. He would mix vegetables in rice and make it as one dish without going for different tastes.Sri Master was leading such a life and was planning to stay away from the world. But Baba did not give permission for this plan. When Pujya Sri Master came to Shirdi second time,Baba has totally changed his determination just like the advent of Baba with marriage party to Shirdi.
This is similar to Baba’s return to Shirdi for second time with marriage party and finally he settled there.Pujya Sri Master prayed Baba for Darshan of several Holy persons. He got the blessings of several holy persons by Baba’s grace.Sri Paakalapaati Guruvu Garu is one of those Holy persons who gave divine message to Pujya Sri Master to lead a family life (Gruhasthu jeewitha).
Sri Paakalapaati Guruvu garu wrote a letter to Sri E.Ananthacharya garu (Sri Master’s Father).In that letter he mentioned that Sri Master appeared to him in dream as Lord Vishnu with conch shell (sankham),chakra, and (chathurbaahuvulu) four arms. He asked in that letter to inform Sri Master on his behalf to come to his Ashram. After reading the letter from his father Sri Master is convinced that Babu Garu is leaving this world to divine world and before that he decided to give him divine message. When Pujya Sri Master attended the Guru Pooja celebrations in Vizag, he went for darshan of Babu Garu along with his friend Alwar. Pujya Sri Master started praying baba to receive divine message from Babu Garu. Babu Garu sent Alwar out on some work. Then he called Pujya Sri Master close to him and asked “Do you know why I sent him out?” Pujya Sri Master said that he doesn’t know the reason. Then Babu Garu smiled and said that he wanted to talk to him personally. He asked Pujya Sri Master to promise that he would listen to him. He also said that he will take up all the responsibility from the spiritual stand point. When Sri Master promised him, immediately Babu Garu said “You should get married. You have rinanubandham. If you don’t marry in this birth then you have to do it in next birth.This has to happen and I will take your responsibility.” Having said that Sri Master promised Babu Garu that he will get married. However Pujya Sri Master Garu expressed his concern if he will be able to find a person- suitable for his frame of mind, thinking, and helpful in his Spiritual practice (Sadhana).Babu garu smiled and said “well do you want me to search for the bride? I know a girl in an ashram. You also know her too.” She is none other than our beloved “DIVYAJANANI ALIVELU MANGAMMA TALLI” lovingly called by us as “AMMAGARU.”
Divyajanani ammagaru served Matrusri Jillellamudi Amma for about 7 years with devotion, by offering her body, soul. She used to work in fields, kitchen and do other services in the ashram. A great example that she has completely obtained the divine grace of Amma is the fact that Pujya Sri Master married her. After Babu Garu attained Samadhi, Sri Master went to Shirdi and prayed Baba for his message regarding marriage. Then Sri Babu Garu appeared physically and told that message from Baba is same as his message. Then Sri Master Garu became Gruhasthu. This is described in detail in SRI PAKALAPAATI GURUVU GARI CHARITRA.
In order to obtain the divine blessings of the Holy persons, devout reading of Sri SAI Leelamrutham and Sri Guru Charitra is the only solution. Sri Master not only spread this message, but also implemented it in his life. Pujya Sri Master garu wrote the life histories of several Mahatmas, participated in constructions of Sri Sai MAndirs, actively involved in spreading the teachings of Sri Sai through discourses and Satsagams.All these are the duties of family man (Gruhasthu Dharamas).So for all our sake Baba performed the marriage of Sri Master, so that Sri Master will become an exemplar for this world. So this marriage is beneficial to the world (LOKAKALYANAM).The tradition of Lord Dattatreya which was limited to Maharastra, is now spread to entire world through Sri Master’s Books, discourses, and our beloved “ALIVELU MANGAMMA TALLI” is a bridge for this.
35 years back only a few telugu people used to visit Datta Kseetram like Shirdi, Gangapur, Narsobawaadi, Akkalkot. Now we see lots of telugu people in these places. Our Alivelu Mangamma talli became a bridge for the spread of this enormous agenda that was started by Sri Master Garu.This point is emphasized so much because our beloved Mastergaru used to say “IF AMMAGARU HAS NOT ENTERED MY LIFE THEN I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE FOR ALL OF YOU.”
Another important point is ALIVELU MANGAMMATALLI is the main reason for BHAGAVAN BHARADWAJA MAHARAJ to shower his divine blessings even after attaining Mahasamadhi on all of us. When SRI MASTER attained Mahasamadhi, question aroused whether to cremate his body as per Hindu tradition or to do Samadhi as per Datta tradition. Then Divyajanani meditated for a second and said to perform Samadhi .We all are indebted to AMMAGARU for this.

“MAHASIVARATRI” - is the most favourite day for Lord Siva.
On this day, devotees worship Lord Siva with devotion by performing pooja,
fasting, and Jagaranam (to stay awake at night). On this day if someone offers them without any intentions, will also be
rewarded greatly.In the story of Vimarshana and kumadvathi in
SRI GURU CHARITRA, this truth is stated.
The Shiva lingam
is globular in shape,and it does not have a beginning or end. It is the Absolute. (Poorna Parabrahman ). It is of crystalline
nature (sphatikam) which means it is pure. This Sphatikam (crystal) retains the
same original qualities even after dividing into many parts .So it means the sphatikam
has no end, it is pure and clear, even when it appears in different shapes,
symbolizes one type of entity, which is the true blissfulness (sivam), and the
eternal truth.
Lord Siva is the Arthanareeswara, Nataraja Murthy,
Dakshina Murthy and Trinethrudu.The Arthanareeswara form (the Lord who is
half-woman), symbolizes the female as the Mother Nature (prakruthi) and the
male as The Lord Siva. It means the union
of Purusha (Shiva) and Prakruthi (Shiva's energy, Shakti) into one
consciousness creates the Universe .Nataraja murthy, (the lord of cosmic dance)
dance represents both creation and
destruction of the Universe. This cosmic dance performance of the Lord Nataraja
creates the day and night, seasons, planetary movements, time, sustenance and
destruction. The entity of Lord Dakshina Murthy is to preach this world good
moral. Lord Trinetrudu means the Lord with three eyes.The third eye symbolizes inner vision, self awareness and the continuous search for knowledge.
Lord Siva is the first ascetic or monk. Whatever help we
do to the needy, belongs to the Siva form present in all. Goddess Annapurna,
bestows all the desires. The help we get from others is only by the grace of
the Mother. This fits correctly to Sri Sai sayings. Sri Sai said “what I am
doing is, If I accept anything as Dakshina I have to give ten times more in exchange for that.” All the Siva devotees are not different from others, they all are one.
During the
function of AKSHARABHYASAM (child is given initiation of education), before
starting the alphabets “OM NAMA SIVAYAHA” will be written. The inner meaning of
this is that one should always remember the sakthi (power) which is the
conscious form of this world.
From the scientific point of view , this entire creation is the field (prakruthi or nature); all the atomic particles are sivam or blissful consciousness (elements).Due to sakthi or energy (Consciousness) there is continuous energetic movement of the atoms. The combination of different elements results in the emanation of living beings, animals, and inanimate objects. In this way, due to the energetic dance performance of Lord Nataraja, there is continuous creation and destruction of the universe. This is the inner meaning involved in the dance of Lord Nataraja.
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