BHAGAVAN SRI BHARADWAJA. ********************************************************************************** AT THRESHOLD OF ETERNITY- ORIGIN BY BHAGAVAN SRI BHARADWAJA For 56 long years since 1858 devotees went pouring in and out of Shirdi for the darshan of Sai Baba, “the diamond on the dunghill”. Everyday the devotees that flocked there numbered hundreds. In 1914, Sai Baba made a very casual remark to one of his devotees. He pointed out a piece of waste land of the village to Mrs.Bapusaheb Jog and said, “It is my site; a big mansion will rise up here and we shall live there. Big people would look after me”. Mrs. Jog took it as one of the very many inscrutable things he said and hoped that one day she might understand what it meant. Two years passed by and she forgot all about it. Bapu Saheb Booty, a famous millionaire of Nagpur, was drawn to Baba and was so impressed with his spiritual power that he wished to have a building at Shirdi. One night he was sleeping in Dixit’s wada .Baba appeared in his dream and ordered him to build a wada of his own with temple in it. Shama was also sleeping there. Booty woke up and found Shama shedding tears and asked him the cause of his grief.Shama said “Baba appeared in my dream and ordered, distinctly, ‘Build the wada with temple .I shall fulfill the wishes of all.’ On hearing the words of Baba I was overpowered with emotion”. Bapu Saheb was surprised at the precise correspondence between their dreams. He immediately drew up a plan for the wada with the cooperation of Shama and Kaka Saheb Dixit, and placed it before Baba who blessed it. Work was commenced soon under the supervision of Shama, the ground floor; the cellar and the well were completed. On and off Baba visited the site on his way to or from Lendi and suggested certain improvements. Further work was entrusted to Bapu Saheb Jog and in the course of it, it occurred to Bapu Saheb Booty that there should be an open platform in the center of which the idol of Muralidhar (Lord Krishna playing on his Flute) could be installed. As usual, when Baba passed by, Shama spoke about it to him.Baba readily gave his consent, but added, “After the temple is complete, I will come and stay there”. Staying at the wada, he further added, “we shall live, move, play there, embrace each other and be happy”.Order was placed with sculptors for an idol of Muralidhar. Booty was happy that the work was progressing satisfactorily and that too with the blessings of Sai Baba. Days passed briskly as though they enjoyed the rising glory of Shirdi. The year 1918 commenced as inconspicuously as any other and a few months passed. In the month of October, one day Baba left the mosques on his daily rounds. The boy Madhav Fasle was sweeping the mosque. He found the brick which was so dear to Baba on the floor. It was, Baba often said, a token of his Guru’s love and his life companion. To prevent the dust from falling on the holy brick ,the boy took it up but suddenly, it slipped fell down and broke into two .the boy was terrified that he might incur Baba’s wrath. Instead, when later Baba saw it, he was very much depressed and said, “It is the not the brick that is broken; it is my destiny. It has been my life’s companion and I meditated on the Self with its help; it is my very life. It has left me today. I shall not survive it for long.” About the same time Ramachandra Patil, a devotee of Sai Baba, became seriously ill, and medical aid proved ineffective. He was counting his days. Inwardly he went on pleading for his recovery to his last refuge, SaiBaba. One midnight Sai Baba appeared physically before him.Patil held his feet firmly and asked Baba to tell him the exact time of his death.Baba was moved and said, “Don’t be anxious; your death warrant has been withdrawn and you will soon be alright; but I am worried about Tatya Patil’s life. He will pass away on the Vijayadasami day. Do not reveal this to anyone, not certainly to Tatya; for he will be frightened.” Indeed Ramachandra Patil quickly recovered, but he was afraid of Tatya’s safety.
As the terrible day neared, Tatya fell ill and was bedridden. He could not go to Dwarakamayi for Baba’s darshan.Though Baba was also down with fever; Tatya had full faith in Baba that he would save his life. Baba’s condition too was fast worsening.Bapu Saheb Booty worried that if Baba passed away, his wada would not be consecrated by the touch of Baba’s feet and all his money, lakhs of rupees, would go waste. At one stage Tatya felt his end was certain. He was getting udi regularly from Baba.One day Baba summoned him to the mosque for lunch. As Tatya could not walk, he was carried their by a fellow devotee. Then baba gave him a little rice boiled in milk which he ate with great difficulty.Baba looked enquiringly at Tatya,and he burst into tears.Though he himself was ailing, Baba applied udi to Tatya’s forehead and said,” Tatya at first I got two swings ready for both of us.But now I have changed my mind.I don’t want to take you now.I am going alone.Go home!” Then Baba gave him udi and taty was taken home.
It was still four days for the holy Vijayadasami,the day which Sai Baba described as the day of ‘Seemolangam’.Mrs.Andu Marwadi, one of the local devotees of Sai Baba ,was sitting in front of him.Sai Baba said, “Bai, I am tired of being in Dwarakamayi and Chavadi. I’ll go over to the (Booty’s) wada where big people will look after me.” At that time Baba’s health was far from satisfactory. He stopped his morning trips to Lendi and his rounds for food and only sat in the mosque.
At last the fatal day of Vijayadasami (15th October 1918) dawned. Ramachandra Patil and BAla Shimpe knew what was in store for Tatya.News came that his pulse was getting weaker.Baba too was very ill and weak. He sat up in the morning and called Mrs .LAkshmi bai Shinde near him ,gave her Rs/- 5 at first and then Rs/-4 and told her to preserve them.Then after the morning art,Baba asked all his devotees to go for lunch.Just a few of the devotees like Mrs. Lakshmi Bai Shinde, Bhagoji,Bayyaji,Bala Shimpe and Nanasaheb Nimonkar stayed with Baba.
He told them that he did not feel well there in the mosque and asked them to take him to the DAGDI ( Stone) Wada of Booty where he would be alright. Saying these last words,heleane don Bayyaji’s body and breathed his last. Bhagoji noticed it and told Nanasaheb Nimonkar. Nanasaheb then brought a little water and poured I tin Baba’s mouth but it all came out. Then Nana Saheb burst out weeping.
It was aterrible blow to the countless devotees and the whole village of Shirdi felt like a corpse with its spirit gone.The news spread fast and the whole village rushed ot the mosque weeping and crying. Strangely Tatya recovered very rapidly and could sit up by noon. Devotees felt that Sai made the supreme sacrifice o fhis life to save Tatya fromcertaindeath. For did not Sai say that he would even give his own head to save a devotee?
Soon after that matter of the last rites of Baba became the subject of great controversy.One section of devotees said that the body must be buried in an open plot according to the Moslem customs.the other group could think of no other way than enshrining his body in Booty’s wada as per Baba’s wish.It was finally decided as per the majority to enshrine the body in an underground cellar beneath the elevated platform in the Booty’s wada.In the place of the idol of Muralidhar,the photograph of Sai Baba was placed which was later replaced by the present marble statue in 1956.The last rites were conducted by Bala saheb Bhate and Upasani Maharaj.
One questioned has remained unexplained.Baba indicated that the proposed Shrine of Muralidhar would be his final resting place and said that big people would take care of him there. How did it come to pass?
By big people Baba can hardly be taken to have meant ‘big ’in wordly,monetary sense.For he was a fakir to the core who cared two pins for rupees. Even if he did, Booty Is not a small man by nay standard. A building worth a few lakhs in those times, when Indian money had much greater value than today,was not a small matter.Besides,I was not just a matter of rupees.A Mansion,that was to be a temple of Muralidhar was made the temple of Sadguru Sainath and no greater honor can be conceived far a saint or guru.
Taking the word ‘Big’to mean ‘great spiritual stature’,Upasani Baba was a ‘Maharaj’ even as Sai Baba was a ‘King’(in the sense in which the Christ was called the King).Sai Baba personally alchemised Upasani Sastry into Upasani Baba.To have a Sadguru of his own stature honor his mortal remains –what a great honor can anyone have and from – what a greater soul?
In the spiritual lore of Hindus (and of Muslims) When saints leave their physical body they are
said to have attained Samadhi,but not said as dead.
This may give rise to question whether Baba has died or not? Jesus Christ died but he again rose from the dead body thereby his death was infact a triumph over death. In similar way Baba attained Samadhi.
Revered Master Sri Ekkirala Bharadwaja emphasized the importance of service to Sadguru on my occasions. He has practically showed us how to serve a Guru and has explained us how to stabilize complete faith. When we look at our Master's life and teachings, we get to know who is Sadguru and how a Sadguru leads his life.The innumerable devotees of Pujya Master felt a huge void after his attainment of Mahasamadhi. This lacuna in their lives is being filled up by the Revered Master's spouse- Divine Mother Ekkirala Alivelu Mangatayaru.She has been carrying on the noble mission of spreading Sri Sai's divine life and teachings, initiated by Sri Sai Master. It is said that once Guru sheds his mortal body, it is his wife who takes the revered place of Sadguru.It is needless to emphasize the greatness of the Divine Mother Alivelu Mangatayaru, for she is the life partner of our revered Master Sri Bharadwaja.There will be a lot of difference in serving the revered Master and the Divine Mother after realizing the way to serve them as well as after realizing the significance of spouse of Sadguru in the Guru tradition.If one cannot distinguish between a precious gem and an ordinary stone, there is a possibility of mistaking a stone to a gem or a gem to a stone. As the saying goes "all that glitters is not gold", in this era of fake gurus, there is very high probability of ordinary people getting lured by them. In this scenario, it is highly difficult to realize a Sadguru and thereafter serve his spouse with equal reverence and this requires a high degree of alertness on the part of the devotee.In the ancient times, education was imparted at Gurukulas.Unlike today, there were no schools and colleges and children at very young age, for seeking education, were sent to distant places for years together to reside with Guru to seek education. It was Guru and the Guru's wife who took care of these children in all respects, who were living miles away from their parents. While Guru took great care in imparting education to them, Gurupatni (Guru's wife) showered equal amount of love and affection and diligence regarding food and nourishment of these children. Our Holy Scriptures say that while a Guru was all knowledgeable and spiritually powerful so was the Gurupatni who was equally powerful through her chastity.
We all know how knowledgeable and powerful were the spiritually enlightened couples like - Atri-Anasuya, Vasistha-Arundhathi and Agastya-Lopamudra. Mother Anasuya through her power of chastity transformed the holy trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara into infants, who came to seek alms from her. (Complete account of this is available in Gurucharitra) It is said that the great rivers like Ganges, Yamuna and Narmada sought the darshan of Mother Anasuya for cleansing themselves of the sins of the devotees who bathed in those rivers. Mother Anasuya who displayed such great powers is amongst us today in the form of our Divine Mother Alivelu Mangatayaru. Acharya Sri Bharadwaja, owing to his keen reflection on joy and sorrow in his life, came to a decision to remain celibate all his life and dedicated all his energies to the spiritual quest. He also felt that if at all he should marry, it is next to impossible to find one equally inclined towards spirituality as a life partner. It was the Saints of Chintapalli forests and Chirala who directed and even chose our divine mother as a suitable life partner for Revered Master. For ordinary mortals like us, it is impossible to gauge the significance of this great decision by these two great saints to whom the past, present and future is an open book. Our Divine Mother Alivelu Mangatayaru spent years before marriage in spiritual practice at the Ashram, in the divine presence of Mother of Jilellamudi, Baptla, Andhrapradesh. It can be said that Lord Siva and Parvathi have manifested in the form of our revered Master and Divine Mother Alivelu Mangatayaru for the welfare of the entire universe. One significant thing that every devotee gets to see in the Divine Mother is that she is moderate in her speech. She is a personification of simplicity.Grace and compassion, love and affection are natural with her. As one enters Her room, She welcomes them with a gracious smile that lightens up one's heart .The tranquility that pervades in her presence can be felt by one and all. There are no words to express it. It should only be experienced personally. Her silence conveys everything that a devotee needs. We are very fortunate to have such a divine personification amongst us. Let us fruitfully utilize to optimum this divine opportunity of serving the Holy Mother to make our lives meaningful. On the occasion of our Divine Mother's 69 th birthday that is falling on the 1st of October, let us pledge that we shall earnestly endeavor to realize the true purpose of life and follow the path paved by revered Master and the Divine Mother.
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Q:It was written that Mahatmas appear like mad persons, naked persons (Digambarulu). Please tell us how to recognize true Mahatmas from other mad and crazy people? Can you tell the Mahatmas who live close to our place?
A: Mahatmas can be recognized only by the meritorious actions of past birth and by Sadguru's grace. Elders say that either knowingly or unknowingly if we do service to Mahatmas in previous birth, then we will come across them in this birth.
The fact that intentional meritorious actions in this birth also can take us to their presence is proved by the experiences of the devotees. Of all these meritorious deeds the most powerful one is to pray Baba, express our intention for darshan and blessings of Mahatmas and do parayana of the holy text 'Sri Sai Leelamrutham '.
Parayana of 'Sri Guru Charitra 'and 'Sri Guru Geetha' are equally powerful. There are several instances about obtaining the Darshan of Mahatmas, which is mentioned in other books published by us like "Sri Sai Leelamrutham, Sri Akalkot swamy Charitra, Sri Paakalapaati Guruvugari Charitra, and Sadguru Jyothi." Similarly these can be seen in another publication "Sri Avadhootha Leela" that will be published in August.
All our Satsang members who do regular parayana of the life histories of the incarnations of Lord Dattatreya had Darshan and blessings of Mahatmas. In order to recognize the Muslim holy persons, one should read a special chapter in Quran by standing behind them, and then they will turn around and talk to us. Usually they will either hit or curse us. The reason being because of the prayer, they were forcibly turned into this outward world from their inward state. Unless specified by a known person these things are very dangerous to be performed .Devout reading of the life histories of the incarnations of Lord Dattatreya will result in the blessings and grace of these Mahatmas with out any problem. This is also from my personal experience for the last two decades. If we do parayana like this you can see clearly in the books mentioned above how Mahatmas will shower their blessings.
SRI CHAITANYA SWAMYJI'S MESSAGE :BHA : BHAKTHAS OF GOD RA : RAKHAKA DWA : DWARAKAMAI (The place which can bestow four purushardhas) JA : JANMA SARDHAKATHA . THE PERSON WHO PROTECTS HIS DEVOTEES AND BESTOWS ON THEM PURUSHARDHAS AND MAKE THEM REALIZE THE TRUE MEANING OF HIS LIFE AND EXISTANCE IS NONE OTHER THAN BHAGAVAN SRI BHARADWAJA. “AMMA” MEANS “MOTHER ALIVELU MANGAMMA.” ******************************************************************************************************************************************* ABOUT THIS EMAIL. Sai Baba The Master is a newsletter started with the divine blessings of Divya janani Alivelumangatayaru garu . This newsletter is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form. The contents of the email are taken from the literature of Parama Pujya Acharya Sri EKKIRALA BHARADWAJA. This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of you have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative. To Subscribe "Saibaba The Master newsletter"- send an email to srisaimaster@yahoo.com. If you are subscribing the newsletter for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the newsletter and the willingness to receive the newsletter be confirmed. Please send a reply to srisaimaster@yahoo.com with sub:Remove if you don't want to get this email. |
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